
給免執照托兒工作者/FFN托兒者的免費職業發展培訓!Facilitator: Sarah SunRegistration Link:  給免執照托兒工作者/FFN托兒者的免費職業發展培訓!您是照顧年齡介於 0 至 5 歲的年幼兒童的免執照/家人、朋友和鄰居 (FFN) 照顧者嗎?您有興趣進一步了解兒童發展並與同樣身份的照顧者建立社區嗎?加入 BANANAS 和 PITC(嬰幼兒照顧計劃)的免費網上工作坊和小組指導系列。 提供 3 種語言(英語、普通話、西班牙語)的課程,從 2023 年 9 月開始直到 2023 年 12 月。


給免執照托兒工作者/FFN托兒者的免費職業發展培訓!Registration Link:  給免執照托兒工作者/FFN托兒者的免費職業發展培訓!您是照顧年齡介於 0 至 5 歲的年幼兒童的免執照/家人、朋友和鄰居 (FFN) 照顧者嗎?您有興趣進一步了解兒童發展並與同樣身份的照顧者建立社區嗎?加入 BANANAS 和 PITC(嬰幼兒照顧計劃)的免費網上工作坊和小組指導系列。 提供 3 種語言(英語、普通話、西班牙語)的課程,從 2023 年 9 月開始直到 2023 年 12 月。

Soul-Life Boundaries

Develop the framework to create healthy lines around your energy and joy in your work, personal and family life.Facilitator: Christopher Rodriguez, Parent CoachAre the  lines blurred between your work, personal […]


Baby and Me Yoga

Center, breathe, move and support one another with babies present, focus on easing tension and restoring alignment.Instructor: Leonora Willis, Perinatal Yoga Instructor, Birthworker and Lactation SpecialistThis class is designed to […]


Setting Boundaries with Children

Building Closeness and Cooperation through LimitsInstructor Julie Johnson, M.Ed. and BANANAS’ Parenting CoachAre power struggles with your child leaving you frustrated and exhausted? Every child has off-track moments—refusing to brush their teeth, being rough with the family pet, ignoring instructions, pestering their sibling. Conventional discipline techniques over smaller difficulties can sometimes escalate into mounting stress […]


Autocuidado del Proveedor

Los educadores de la primera infancia tienen un trabajo importante que puede ser muy gratificante, aunque a veces muy estresante.Instructor: Maria GomezLos educadores de la primera infancia tienen un trabajo importante que puede ser muy gratificante, aunque a veces muy estresante. Venga a aprender cómo lidiar y aliviar los factores estresantes cuidándose a sí mismo. […]


普通话报税/退休 (Tax Preparation/ Retirement, Mandarin Only)

在本次研讨会上,Anson Zeng(B.O.L. 高级税务会计师兼注册代理 EA) Global, Inc. - 将讨论家庭托儿所的税务准备工具和策略,以及退休信息/选择。Monday November 11th  | 6:30pm-8:30pmInstructor : Anson Zeng 在本次研讨会上,Anson Zeng(B.O.L. 高级税务会计师兼注册代理 EA) Global, Inc. - 将讨论家庭托儿所的税务准备工具和策略,以及退休信息/选择。加入我们吧!


RCP / primeros auxilios pediátricos

Este curso cumple con las regulaciones estatales de California de 8 horas para proveedores de cuidado infantil.Instructor: Gabriela MenesesLun –Mier .Nov. 11 - 13 | 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, 2 horas practica en persona el Sáb, Nov. Sat. 16Este curso cumple con las regulaciones estatales de California de 8 horas para proveedores de cuidado […]


Parenting While Pursuing Your Personal Dreams

From one busy parent to another, a guide, as you pursue your dream AND raise a family.Facilitator: Diedre Goree, Parent CoachIt is important that kids are at the top of the list of things to do and an awesome model for our kids to see us pursuing our dreams.  Join us to discuss tips (from […]


Provider Self-Care

Early childhood educators have an important job that can be highly rewarding although sometimes highly stressful.Instructor: Maria GomezEarly childhood educators have an important job that can be highly rewarding although sometimes highly stressful. Come learn about how to cope with and alleviate stressors by taking care of yourself. Experience some healthy strategies to try when […]


例行照顧活動作為課程 (指導)

給免執照托兒工作者/FFN托兒者的免費職業發展培訓!Registration Link:  給免執照托兒工作者/FFN托兒者的免費職業發展培訓!您是照顧年齡介於 0 至 5 歲的年幼兒童的免執照/家人、朋友和鄰居 (FFN) 照顧者嗎?您有興趣進一步了解兒童發展並與同樣身份的照顧者建立社區嗎?加入 BANANAS 和 PITC(嬰幼兒照顧計劃)的免費網上工作坊和小組指導系列。 提供 3 種語言(英語、普通話、西班牙語)的課程,從 2023 年 9 月開始直到 2023 年 12 月。

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